The Beauty of Healthcare

of Jesus' miraculous outflow of power was spent bringing wellness to people's physical bodies.

The number of miracles that Jesus performed during his 3 years of earthly ministry.

Of those miracles were healthcare miracles, where He alleviated pain, suffering, disease, ailments, & death.
We believe that when offered in the name and the character of Christ, healthcare can build bridges for the gospel into three places:
Closed Nations, Closed cultures, & Closed hearts.

of Jesus' miraculous outflow that was spent on bringing wellness to people's physical bodies.

Individually recorded miracles Jesus performed in his 3 years of ministry.

Our mission is to follow in the footsteps of Christ by partnering with him in the demonstration of grace, compassion, and dignity to the healthcare needs of precious people around the world.
When offered in the name & character of Christ, healthcare is the most strategic method available to bridge the Gospel into closed nations, closed cultures, & closed hearts.”
Healthbridge Global's
Key Partnership Principles
We partner with indigenous doctors and leaders who have a vision, a calling, and a track-record.
We partner on projects that fill clearly identified community healthcare gaps with locally designed solutions.
We partner on projects that intentionally & strategically infuse the gospel into everthing they do.
We partner on projects that are economically viable & sustainable in the local economy.
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Life Medical Center
Healthbridge Global is partnering to build the first life-affirming maternity hospital and women’s clinic in Romania.
Romania, Rise Together
Healthbridge is partnering with a Romanian non-profit organization to provide trauma healing for Romania’s orphans.
Watch our video
I Care For India
Healthbridge has helped support a rural mobile clinic effort to remote villages in SE India, and is now planning on building a permanent clinical home-base in a strategic village.
Lower Egypt
Healthbridge is partnering to build dedicated pediatric in-patient and out-patient clinics to elevate the compassionate care provided to children in this remote area of Egypt.
Healthbridge has partnered on a one of a kind multi-specialty clinic for women and children in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
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